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You're playing the wrong game.

Unless you get a
Moneyball Mindset™,
you'll keep losing money.


You're working 24/7, your targets keep changing, your people are leaving and you're not hitting your goals. That little voice inside of your head is saying, I need a better strategy, a better job, a better life.


If you feel like you're drowning and you can't breathe, it's because you're stuck in the WAR Room.


TEDx: From WAR Room to WIN Room

The challenge is most people don't even know their stuck in the WAR Room because they've lived there for so long.

You want to get into the WIN Room, but can't and don't know how. It's because you're looking at the problem the wrong way. You're trying to win in your career and life using an outdated playbook.

The world has changed, people have changed and the only way to win today is with a Moneyball Mindset™.


Like the famous baseball movie, we show you how to stop playing with archaic rules and win in a completely new way.

Our Process: We "Moneyball It" 

  • Look at the problem differently 

  • Find the hidden value in you, your team & your clients

  • Master the new ROI: Return on Interactions

Our Method: We deliver immersive, interactive virtual and in-person WIN Room workshops and training programs focused on:

  • Moneyball Leadership™

  • Moneyball Selling™

  • Moneyball Teaming™


Our Results: 98.4% of sellers and leaders who go learn the Moneyball Method hit their quotas and their highest priority targets each year.

"The WIN Room program is different than any other program I've experienced . After learning the Moneyball Method, my team's ROI: Return on Interactions increased. My leadership skills and our sales results skyrocketed in a short amount of time. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to elevate their team's performance and leadership skills at the same time. "

- Sam P. (Sales Leader)

If you're ready to change the game, let's chat.

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